Articles in this series
Introduction Course Objective Datatypes and variables Operators and Control Flow Arrays, Slices and Maps functions Pointers Structs, Method and...
👉 Go is one of the most popular programming language, here we would be looking into Datatypes in detail. Data Type What is Data Type? A data type is...
Variable It is named unit of data and has assigned value, reference of values name-->"Peter" pincode-->900900 grades-->99.08 If you...
Operators Operators & Operands We can define operators as symbols that helps us to perform specific mathematical and logical computations on...
Control Flow if-elseif if condition { // executes when condition is true } main.go package main import "fmt" func main() { ...
An array a collection of similar data elements that are stored at contiguous memory locations. For example - We can have a collection of integers...