Go - Data types

Go - Data types

👉 Go is one of the most popular programming language, here we would be looking into Datatypes in detail.

Data Type

What is Data Type?

  • A data type is a classification made on the kind of data.

  • They categorize a set of related values.

  • Describe the operation done on them.

  • For example:-

    1. String

      Which is sequence of character and used to represent text

    2. Number

      Consist of integers(without decimal like -12 0) and floats(contains decimals such as 7.0 or 85.56.)

    3. Boolean

      Value True or False.

    4. Array

      An array is like a list or a sequence of elements of a single data type(array of just integer strings or floats)

    5. Slices

      Represent flexible array-like data type but they also provide more control over memory allocation.

Why are data types needed?

  1. categorize a set of related values

  2. describe the operations that can be done on them

  3. define the way the data is stored in the memory allocation Integer 4bytes 32-bit machine,8-bytes 64-bit machine

Static vs Dynamic typed languages

Static typed

  • Compiler throws an error when types are used incorrectly. Eg:- C++, Java

  • main.cpp

  •     void add (int a, int b) {

Dynamic typed

  • Compiler does not enforce the type system Ex. Python, JavaScript

  • Such languages are called weakly typed, loosely typed or dynamic typed.

  • main.js

  •     function add (a,b)
        return a+b;

Static typed advantages

  1. Better Performances

  2. Bugs can often be caught by a compiler

  3. Better data integrity

Dynamic Typed advantages

  1. Faster to write code.

  2. Generally, less rigid.

  3. Shorter learning curve.


  1. Go has a concept of types that is either explicitly declared by a programmer or is inferred by the compiler.

  2. It's fast, statically typed, compiled language that feels like a dynamically typed, interpreted language.

  3. Example:- main.go

  4.   package main
      import ("fmt")
      func main() {
      >>>go run main.go

Kinds of Data Types




Data TypeMemory
unit88 bits or 1 byte
unit1616 bits or 2 bytes
unit3232 bits or 4 bytes
unit6464 bites or 8 bytes
int88 bits or 1 byte
int1616 bits or 2 bytes
int3232 bites or 4 bytes
int6464 bits or 8 bytes
int4 bytes for 32-bit machines, 8 bytes for 64-bit machines

unit means "unsigned integer"
int means "signed integer"


data TypeMemory
float3232 bits or 4 bytes
float6464 bits or 8 bytes


Any sequence of character which occupies 16 bytes of memory


True and False Occupies 1 byte of memory

That's great if you have make till here you have covered basic of Golang Data types

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