user-defined data type.
a structure that groups together data elements.
provide a way to reference a series of grouped values through a single variable name.
used when it makes sense to group or associate two or more data variables.
Declaring and Initializing a Struct
type struct {
// list of fields
type Circle struct {
x float64
y float64
r float64
type Student struct {
name string
rollNo int
marks []int
grades map[string] int
var s Student
package main
import "fmt"
type Student struct {
name string
rollNo int
marks []int
grades map[string] int
func main() {
var s Student
fmt.Printf("%+v", s)
>>> go run main.go
{name: rollNo:0 marks:[] grades:map[]}
Accessing Fields
package main
import "fmt"
type Circle struct {
x int
y int
radius int
func main () {
var c Circle
c.x = 5
c.y = 5
c.radius = 5
fmt.Printf("%+v \n", c)
fmt.Printf("&+v \n", c.area)
>>> go run main.go
c.area undefined (type Circle has no field or method area)
That's great if you have make till here you have covered basic of Golang Struct.
If you liked what you read, do follow and any feedback for further improvement will be highly appreciated!
Thank you and Happy Learning!👏