Go - Maps

Go - Maps


  1. unordered collection of key/value pairs.

  2. implemented by hash tables.

  3. provide efficient add, get and delete operations.

declaring and initializing a map

  var map_name map[key data type] value data type
  var my_map map[]string int
  package main
  import "fmt"

  func main() {
      var codes map[string]string
      codes["en"] = "English"

  >>> go run main.go
  panic: assignment to entry in nil map

To create a map in key values pair

map_name := map[key data type]value data type{key value pairs}

  codes := map[string]string{"en": "English", "fr": "French"}
  package main
  import "fmt"

  func main() {
      codes := map[string]string{"en": "English", "fr": "French"}
  >>> go run main.go
  map[en:English fr:French]

make() function


  package main
  import "fmt"

  func main() {
      codes := make(map[string]int)
  >>> go run main.go

length of map

  1. len()

accessing a map

  1. map[key]

getting a key

value, found :=map_name[key]

That's great if you have make till here you have covered basic of Golang Maps.

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Thank you and Happy Learning!👏