Zero Values
What is zero values in Golang?
In Golang if you're declaring a new variable, but are not necessarily initializing it with a value, the variable is given default values is called zero value.
1.bool-->false>0 3.float64-->0.0 4.string-->""
Pointer, function values is nil
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var i int
fmt.Printf("%d", i)
>>> go run main.go
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var f1 float64
fmt.Printf("%.2f", f1)
>>> go run main.go
Verb | Description |
int | 0 |
float64 | 0.0 |
string | "" |
bool | false |
pointers, functions, interfaces, maps | nil |
User Input
We will see how to read input from a user.
One ways to take input is through scanner function, which is provided by the FMT package.
fmt.Scanf("% (s)", Object_arguments)
Scanner function takes the format string, along with the list of variable number of arguments. The String contains custom specifiers that the scanner function uses to format final output string, The list is the list of all arguments where you want to store your data.
package main
func main() {
var name string
fmt.Print("Enter your name:")
fmt.println("Hey there, ", name)
>>> go run main.go
Enter your name: Shounak
Hey there, Shounak
package main
func main() {
var name string
var is_muggle bool
fmt.Print("Enter your name & are you a muggle:")
fmt.Scanf("%s %t", &name, &is_muggle)
fmt.println(name, is_muggle)
>>> go run main.go
Enter your name & are you a muggle: Shounak false
Shounak false
Scanf function reads from the input source sequentially. Hence we must give list of argument in the order that specified in format string
count-> the number of arguments that the fucntion writes to
error-> any error thrown during the execution of the function
Multiple Input
package main
func main() {
var a string
var b int
fmt.Print("Enter a string and a number:")
count, err := fmt.Scanf("%s %d", &a &b)
fmt.println("count : ", count)
fmt.println("a: ", a)
fmt.println("b: ", b)
>>> go run main.go
Enter a sting and a number: Shounak yes
count : 1
error: expected integer
a: Shounak
b: 0
find type of variable
%T format specifier
reflect.TypeOf function from the reflect package
using %T
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var grades int = 42
var message string = "hello world"
var isCheck bool = true
var amount float32 = 5466.54
fmt.Printf("variable grades = %v is of type %T \n", grades, grades)
fmt.Printf("variable message = '%v' is of type %T \n", message, message)
fmt.Printf("variable isCheck = '%v' is of type %T \n", isCheck, isCheck)
fmt.Printf("variable amount = %v is of type %T \n", amount, amount)
>>> go run main.go
variable grades = 42 is of type int
variable message = 'hello world' is of type string
variable isCheck = 'true' is of type bool
variable amount = 5466.54 is of type float32
using reflect.TypeOf()
package main
import (
func main () {
fmt.printf("Type: %v \n", reflect.TypeOf(1000))
fmt.printf("Type: %v \n", reflect.TypeOf("Shounak"))
fmt.printf("Type: %v \n", reflect.TypeOf(46.0))
fmt.printf("Type: %v \n", reflect.TypeOf(true))
>>> go run main.go
Type: int
Type: string
Type: float64
Type: bool
Declare with variables
package main
import (
func main () {
var grades int = 42
var message string = "hello world"
fmt.Printf("variable grades=%v is of type %v \n", grades, reflect.TypeOf(grades))
fmt.Printf("variable message='%v' is of type %v \n", message, reflect.TypeOf(message))
>>> go run main.go
variable grades = 42 is of type int
variable message = 'hello world' is of type string
Converting between data types
Type Casting
The process of converting one dats type to another is known as Type Casting.
Data Types can be converted to other data types, but this does bot not gurantee that the value of the varibale will remian intact.
integer to float
package main
import "fmt"
fucn main() {
vat i int = 90
var f floatb64 = float64(i)
>>> go run main.go
float to integer
package main
import "fmt"
fucn main() {
var f float64 = 45.89
var i int = int(f)
>>> go run main.go
strconv package
converts integer to string
return one value-string froma with the given integer
package main
import (
fucn main() {
var i itn = 42
var s string = strconv.Itoa(i) //convert int to string
>>> go run main.go
converts string to integer
returns two values-the corresponding integer, error(if any).
string to integer
package main
import (
fucn main() {
var s string = "200"
i, err := strconv.Atoi(s)
fmt.Printf("%v, %T \n", i, i)
fmt.Printf("%v, %T", err, err)
>>> go run main.go
200, int
package main
import (
fucn main() {
var s string = "200abc"
i, err := strconv.Atoi(s)
fmt.Printf("%v, %T \n", i, i)
fmt.Printf("%v, %T", err, err)
>>> go run main.go
0, int
strconv.Atoi: parsing "200a": invalid syntax, *strconv.Numerror
Constants as the name state, they are varaiables whos values ones initialized cannot be modified.
const =
Untyped constant
constants are untyped unless they are explicitly given a type at declaration.
allow for flexibility
const age = 12
const h_name, h_age = "Shounak", 12
Typed constant
constants are typed when you explicitly specify the type in the declaration.
flexibility that comes with untyped constants is lost
const name string = "Shounak Khulape"
const age int = 12
Understanding constant
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
const name = "Shounak Khualpe"
const is_muggle = false
const age = 12
fmt.Printf("%v: %T \n", name, name)
fmt.Printf("%v: %T \n", is_muggle, is_muggle)
fmt.Printf("%v: %T", age, age)
>>> go run main.go
Shounak Khulape: string
false: bool
12: int
Core concept of constant once initialize cannot change once change cause runtime error
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
const name = "Shounak Khualpe"
name = "Abc Def"
fmt.Printf("%v: %T \n", name, name)
>>> go run main.go
Error: cannot assign to name (declared const)
You cannot declare constant and not initialize it a value and will try to assign a value later on
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
const name
name = "Shounak Khualpe"
fmt.Printf("%v: %T \n", name, name)
>>> go run main.go
missing value in const declaration, undefined: name
Short hand variable assignment operator
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
const name := "Shounak Khualpe"
fmt.Printf("%v: %T \n", name, name)
>>> go run main.go
Error: syntax error: unexpected :=, expecting =
That's great if you have make till here you have covered basic of Golang Variables and Constant.
If you liked what you read, do follow and any feedback for further improvement will be highly appreciated!
Thank you and Happy Learning!👏