Build and deploy simple webapp using docker

Build and deploy simple webapp using docker

✨This is simple web application using python flask and docker image

There are two ways in which we can run webapp server.

  1. By installing all the dependences packages

  2. Or by creating and inherit in docker files

By installing all the dependences packages

We will create a directory in server as shown below and will create filename

mkdir docker-webapp
cd docker-webapp

Now we will execute below command Ubuntu images starts and it runs the bash command and it takes or it attaches input to terminal

docker run -it ubuntu bash
apt-get update 
apt-get install -y python-is-python3 
python apt-get install python3-pip

Install and configure web-server

pip install flask

Now will vi visual editor in file

import os 
from flask import Flask 
app = Flask(name)
def main(): 
    return "Swagat aahe!"
@app.route('/kai mhanta shet') 
def hello(): 
    return 'Bas Nivant Tumhi bolla?'
if name == "main":"", port=8080)

Once above steps are done will start the web-server by running command as below. flask run --host=

After this web-server will start running and to test use command as shown

http://:5000 => Swagat aahe! 
http://:5000/kai%20mhanta%20shet => Bas Nivant Tumhi bolla?

Or by creating and inherit in docker files

You need to be in docker-webapp directory and create below image

Create a docker image will all dependencies inherit in it

FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update 
RUN apt-get install -y python-is-python3 python3-pip 
RUN pip3 install flask
COPY /opt/
ENTRYPOINT FLASK_APP=/opt/ flask run --host=

You need to build the docker images

docker build . -t docker-webapp

Then once build is completed run the container

docker run docker-webapp

After this web-server will start running and to test use command as shown

http://:5000 => Swagat aahe! 
http://:5000/kai%20mhanta%20shet => Bas Nivant Tumhi bolla?

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Thank you and Happy Learning!👏